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name := "Graham Beer"

`Cloud Engineer with his head in the AWS clouds, authored chapters in the PowerShell Conference Book 1 & 2 and currently learning and enjoying Go

PowerShell Conf Book Planet PowerShell Top 50 PowerShell
  1. The Adam Bertram Pester Challenge!

    During September Adam Bertram set a challenge, to learn Pester. Here is what Adam said: Do you want to learn about testing PowerShell with Pester? Have you been putting it off just because you “don’t have time”? I’m formally putting out the challenge to anyone that is willing to dedicate some serious time to learning...…

  2. Working with Azure Active Directory part 2

    Following on from part 1, i’m going to delve into creating a custom RBAC (Role-based access control), then assigning this role to the group we created and finally adding our user to the group. Before I start to create a custom role, lets see what is already available. The cmdlet we will use is in...…

  3. Working with Azure Active Directory part 1

    This article, which will be in two parts, is about getting started with Azure Active Directory. So what is Azure Active Directory? Microsoft themselves say: “Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) is Microsoft’s multi-tenant, cloud based directory and identity management service.” These two articles will contain the following content: Workflow Connect to Azure Make connection to...…

  4. What is my name in Binary?

    This idea came to me with a book i’ve just started reading by Charles Petzold. The book is called ‘Code’. It was actually the front cover of the book, the word Code written and below it binary code underneath each letter. How could i convert letters to binary ? Even better could I convert my...…

  5. What's my Alias? Write less for the same results

    PowerShell Cmdlets are by nature verbose. When you write a script those helpful cmdlets make a script easier to understand. But when working with the shell interactively, its useful and quicker to adopt less is more approach. Well, if you are like me and want to type less ! Take a simple example: 1 get-content...…